Everybody loves creative items but not all person able to be creative. For me Creative is gifted. You may try to create something to be creative, but how its look like?
What ever it is, may be we can have a look to this creative items by creative person. This items is made by cans.
Keluarga Ujang
Ujang sedang di interview di sebuah syarikat :
Pegawai : Nama saudara siapa ?
Ujang : “ Ujang…”
Pegawai : “Cuba ceritakan tentang keluarga saudara !!…
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wow!terpegun sat..
thanks singgah.
itulah hasil org kreatif. kalau suruh aku.......????
very creative
syokkan kalau jd org kreatif.
thanks for include me in ur bloglinks.
salam..yea creative might be gifted but there is a way to nurture d creativity..u might try and explore it out with your son..ehehe
yup. u're right. i will try some creative items with him.
mmg kreatif gile ko..pandai ek drg nih
memang kreatif pun. suruh aku? memang jahanam tin tu aku kerjakan.
salam..apa kabar? sihat ker bro?
alhamdulillah sihat. rajin2 email la kat damak_76@hotmail.com
salam happy father's day...creative
Nice article... gives me creative ideas for my next hobby
terima kasih singgah. itulah bagusnya kalau org kreatif.
thanks for ur wish. i hope i can b a good father.
thanks 4 drop by. please....
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