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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Top 10: places every traveler should see

What are the must-see destinations for any world traveler? Check out our list of places you have to see to believe!

1. Paris, France
2. Cairo, Egypt
3. Venice, Italy
4. Mayan Ruins, Mexico
5. Stonehenge, United Kingdom
6. Athens, Greece
7. New York City, N.Y.
8. The Great Wall of China, China
9. Grand Canyon, Ariz.
10. Machu Picchu, Peru

Source : (Tripwatch : Week of April 14, 2008)


ita.itu said...

wah rajin u travel personal yg mana ek..ada dua tuh..konpius i..hehe

izman said...

dua2 bedal. singahlah mane2, dialu2kan. kalau ada duit blhlah travel.