Take a closer look....
So, Luqman already have 4 James Bond's car at this moment. Just wait for another one car from Bond's latest movie 'Quantum of solace' which will start making debut on 06/11/08. After that, its will be a complete set of James Bond's car for my son.
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Bro, apasal satu-satu bro? kena isi minyak ke? Arini lunch skali ngan beg hehehe cpt..cpt
betul tu. kena isi minyak rm40.00, baru boleh beli sebijik dgn harga rm5.50.
sya nasib kenal tauke, leh beli terus tanpa isi minyak. Kalau nak isi, lambat gak sbb keta kecik hehehe...minat buat collection ekk?
just bg anak. bapaknya minat kumpul coins.
bg la address blog, boleh la singgah2 jugak.
wah man..oh rm5.50 ek..lps isi minyak br dpt ek..oo
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